Thursday, January 07, 2010

Life hanging by a string

This big 4WD that going to have to pay more for their petrol come May 1st, cut me on the highway in a very terrible jam. Personally I'm OK and have no problem people cutting my queue but this guy does not have any manners and felt that his big ass car and big ass tyre would intimidate others and give him way.
While focusing on not getting too much of anger within me, I notice something and swiftly I reach for my phone and snap this picture.

I think somebody come and stole his nut... I means the spare tyre nut and left onli the spare tyre lock. Is that a string I see? I hope it is not rubber band he put there to secure that big and heavy tyre in place... well, let just hope that string could really hold that tyre if the tyre lock decided to give up one day.

His agreesive-I'm-the-king-of-the-road driving behavior + falling tyre... I just hope I did not have to see this car on the road ever again.

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